Monday, November 1, 2010

Заберіть собаку!

i got my invitation last week!! I am invited to be an English Language Instructor in secondary schools in the Ukraine! I am scheduled to leave in March. I did not expect to get this much notice. this is both a good and bad thing. I will be beyond prepared, packing wise that is....
every time i think of it i go through 3 emotional states:

super excited! wooo hoooo!
extremely scared. how did i fool them into thinking i could do this...
very sad. why i am leaving everyone i love.

then i make myself think of something else. i know this is what i want, this is what i have worked for, everything i have done this past year is for this. it just always seemed so far away and now there is an actual date and an actual location.

i am going to start some language lessons. its very similar to russian so i guess i have a step up there. i guess we will see!!
