Wednesday, December 21, 2011


In September my school gave me about 50 kilos of potatoes. 50 kilos... 100lbs? i think... anyways its alot. Now winter has hit and veggies and fruits here are at a minimum. That combined with my extreme laziness and i think you can guess what i eat for dinner every night!

You know the scene in Forest Gump when Buba is talking about all the things you can do with shrimp? Ive always thought that potatoes are the shrimp of the veggie world, yet i still find myself only eating maybe 3 variations of potatoes. 1. mashed. 2. roasted 3. boiled.

Why am i devoting so much space to potatoes? some deep, thoughtful metaphor, right? that maybe just maybe potatoes represent more than just what i eat for dinner every night. That potatoes represent Ukraine and why ive come here and what im doing, and overcoming?

......... no. i just eat a lot of potatoes.

As promised here is a pic. We made these for thanksgiving at Caitlyn's. Can you guess which one is mine?

Monday, December 5, 2011

This weekend i "rearranged" some furniture in my room and i feel revitalized! 

i dont know what happened to november. it was here and gone before i realized it. I have a post written about Budapest but ill wait til i can upload it with pics and then there is thanksgiving too! 

ive discovered a favorite ukrainian candy and also that i have the ability to skype! pretty good things for the cold dark winter nights that have descended. 

the semester is over in less than 3 weeks and that seems crazy to me. im approaching my 9th month in Ukraine and i feel like i just got here. The next group of volunteers get to site in a few weeks and i will no longer be a newbie. I will be expected to actually know how things work here...though i dont think that will ever happen. 

i think every time i post something i say something to the effect that ill try and be better about posting. but... i dont really think that will happen.  

so heres to potatoes, positive attitudes, and 2012!